Saturday, February 23, 2013


Is it Normal for Teens to Rapidly Lose & Gain Weight?

Although fluctuations in weight often occur as part of teens' normal growth patterns, a drastic loss or gain in weight can potentially indicate something more serious. Sudden weight changes might happen as a routine part of a growth spurt or they might be red flags for emotional disorders or eating disorders. Discuss any concerns relating to your teen's growth with his doctor, who can help you discover the cause of his rapid weight loss or gain.


Teens undergo rapid periods of growth around puberty that can last several years. During these growth spurts, the Kids Health website suggests that many teens gain weight more rapidly as their body composition -- the amount of muscle, fat and bone in their bodies -- changes and develops. As long as the growth is proportional, Kids Health provides reassurance that the extra weight is normal and healthy. Since not all teens grow in a similar fashion, the growth spurts can have the opposite effect on some teens -- causing them to lose weight if they do not eat enough to keep up with their bodies' energy needs.


These growth spurts will not harm your teen or his overall health, but do mention them to your child's doctor so he can make sure the weight changes are part of your teen's normal growth pattern and not due to any underlying health or emotional issues. The doctor can also offer dietary suggestions that can help your growing teen get the nutrients she needs during these periods of rapid growth. Since many teens start to experience body image and self-esteem issues, the doctor can reassure her on the "normalcy" of her weight gain or loss.


An extreme shift in your teen's weight accompanied by feelings of sadness or low energy, a loss of appetite or sleeping problems, can indicate that he might suffer from depression. The nonprofit health advice site Help cautions that untreated depression can lead to poor school performance, drug or alcohol use and even suicidal thoughts or tendencies. Medical practitioners can effectively treat depression with medications and therapy, so seek help for your teen as soon as you notice any signs of depression.


Sudden weight loss can be a red flag for eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. People with these conditions experience a distorted body image, leading them to think they are too fat even when they are not. Your teen might exercise constantly to get into shape or she might weigh food before eating it or meticulously count the calories of everything she eats. Eating disorders require professional advice and treatment, so talk to your teen's doctor if you notice any signs of these conditions.


As your teen nears the end of puberty, his growth will often taper off and normalize, making gaining or losing weight attributed to a growth spurt unlikely for most teens. He will also grow more accustomed to his new height and weight, which can make him less self-conscious about his weight and size.

Soumen’s Workout

Ph No. :- 9830216280 / 9230527033

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


How to Get Rid of Acne & Scars by Exercise

Have you been trying to hide from your acne and the scars it has left behind? Acne scars can be difficult to get rid of, and when you are stressed out or not cleansing your face properly, acne can be reoccurring. To prevent acne and keep your skin healthy, it's important to detoxify your body. Exercising on a regular basis can have an impact on your skin's quality.


o    1 Perform cardiovascular exercises like running, walking, biking, skiing or skating every day for at least 20 minutes. These exercises enable you to burn fat and sweat. Sweating is your body's natural way of detoxifying itself, so your pores will be able to clear up.
o    2 Exercise between the low and high end of your heart rate zone, because you will burn more fat. Calculate your target heart rate zone by using an online calculator. Once you know your zone, wear a heart monitor every time you exercise. Burning fat calories will make your skin tone, and you will less likely be able to see your acne scars.
o    3 Practice yoga or Pilates to focus your mind and stretch the body. Acne is often a form of stress that gets expressed on the outside of the body. Stretching and relieving pressure in parts of your body can help you relax, which can calm the skin too.
o    4 Cleanse your body after every exercise routine. If you don't shower after you have been sweating, you defeat the purpose of the detoxification. Use an astringent and a cleanser to ensure that you have removed all of the dirt, sweat and bacteria from your pores.

Soumen’s Workout
Ph No. :- 9830216280 / 9230527033

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Young girls are often obsessed about being `perfect` and make all desperate attempts to grow into their own skin and feel beautiful. It is thus, very important for teenage girls to feel happy about their bodies and to have high self-esteem.

The age group 13 -19, is the most critical time for them to learn to eat right and treat their bodies with the respect. Teenagers can follow following tips to maintain their fitness.

• Instead of asking yourself, "Am I fat?" ask yourself, "Am I fit?"-- as in, "Am I healthy and in shape?" If not, that`s what you should be pushy for.

• Carbohydrates or carbs should not be avoided. They are necessary for your brain. Carbs are the exclusive fuel for your brain. 

• Keep a tab on how much you eat. It is as important as what you eat. 

• Never skip your breakfast. Eating breakfast increases metabolism for the day.
• Avoid fizzy drinks, they can cause cellulite and bloating. Avoid diet drinks also.

• Avoid artificial processed foods and sweeteners as they could make you crave for more sweets.• It`s better to eat three average-sized meals and eat small size meals throughout the day after every 2 hours to keep your body running smoothly and to make sure you`re getting the right nutrients at the right time. Remember, your next meal is more important than your last one. Never eat big meals at the end of the day, and try to stop eating at 8:00 p.m.

• Exercise is extremely important to your diet and your health. Working out regularly will reduce body fat, increase your energy level, make your complexion glow, and release endorphins, which will give you a `natural high.

Soumen’s Workout
Ph No. :- 9830216280 / 9230527033