Squats are one of the
all-around best exercises that can be used to tone your thighs. To perform a
squat, start by standing with your back flat against a wall and your feet
slightly in front of the wall and one foot apart. Take a deep breath, and as
you inhale your breath, lower your rear end towards the ground. As your knees
approach a 90 degree angle, exhale your breath, and push yourself back up to your
starting position. Do ten repetitions of the squat, rest, and do another set of
ten squats for best results.
Leg Lifts are another
great exercise that can be done with little difficulty and is extremely
effective as toning and shaping your thighs. To perform this exercise properly,
start by laying down on your right side on an exercise or yoga mat. Rest your
right elbow on the ground, with your hand resting in your hand. Take a few deep
breaths. As you exhale your breath, use the muscles in your thighs to kick your
right leg up towards the sky as high as possible. As you inhale your breath,
slowly lower it back down to the starting position. Perform ten repetitions of
the exercise, and take a short break. Do two sets of the exercise with each leg
in order to ensure optimal results.

Finally, walking has been found to be a great form of cardiovascular exercise that can be effective at toning the thighs for those who are not interested in performing strength training exercises. When starting a walking program, be sure to start slowly and gradually work your way up. Start walking for 10 minute increments, and gradually add five minutes each session as the original time becomes more and more easy.
Soumen’s Workout
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