Friday, May 4, 2012

20 minutes workout for curing knee pain

When we gain weight then the most common and frequently seen problem is knee pain. It is a very serious and problematic situation. So to get rid of knee pain, reducing weight is very essential. However, bending knee can be problematic. So the following exercises have been listed which do not require bending knee.

Sit and Jog: Sit on a chair with your legs spread apart. Now move the upper part of your body to the left and right. While doing so take long breaths. Count 50 and take 30 seconds rest. Repeat 4 times.

Quadricep Hamstrings: Sit on a chair. Lift one leg up parallel to the ground. Now tighten your knees. Count 16 for each leg. Do 10 sets per leg.

Sit and Bend: Sit on a chair. Hold the left side of the waist with your right hand and bend to the left. And then to the other side again. It is for flexibility. Count 16 per side and do 5 sets per side.

Full Body Toning: Lie down and straighten both your hands upwards. Raise both hands above the head and stretch your body. Do 10 sets per day. This will tone the body.

This simple workout will help you to not just reduce weight but also overcome knee pain. Do it regularly, preferable everyday for just 20 minutes and see the magic happen.

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